Diane is a masterful teacher. Everyone I know who has spent time in her presence has been lifted and empowered with a most magnificent energy! Since Diane’s goal’s course, I am able to access an experience of having to the point where I see clearly that I can have anything I’d like! Can you imagine that…feeling like you can have anything!? After seeing that, I have become interested in knowing that part of me that is powerful enough to manifest anything. Sometimes I am figuring out what to add to my life of abundance (a convertible, a condo) and sometimes I am focused on meeting that energy within that is capable of creating such brilliance! If you have an opportunity to work with her pull out all the stops and – Make. It. Happen.
Effortlessness has taken on a whole new meaning, because the things I would try to control now have a way of just happening in a much easier way. I started to feel real peace and what it means to be present. Hours where I could just sit, without thought, and admire and appreciate the world around me. But most importantly she gave me a system that lets me have these tangible and intangible experiences on a regular basis.
Diane, you are a brilliant teacher/facilitator guiding light. Your clarity and depth of understanding around the Nature of Manifesting and how people can instantly move into a space of “having” is truly extraordinary. Thank you for coming here to serve us all, these precious beings we are privileged to work with.
“Thank you” doesn’t touch the generous gift you’ve given, but I’m soooo lucky to have attended with you. It was the most powerful retreat experience I’ve ever had in my life. I can slip almost instantly into a place of having my goal – as Diane calls it the well of Havingness – and I can get very easily into a peaceful state to start my day.
Best goals course I’ve ever taken. Your amazing energy and laser focus while releasing one on one was spectacular. The way you presented the material was great and had a major impact on my releasing. Thank you for the many gifts during the course and for helping me to get moving again I’m so grateful for being in that course. Thank you!

The work I’ve been doing with Diane Stilwell in her Ultimate Transformation course has been astonishingly effective. Not only have I learned the techniques for letting go of the diverse emotions that present themselves on a daily basis, but there have been some releases that are so monumental that I list them in a Gains column in capital letters with exclamation marks.
It was as if I’d been able to unplug all of the current painful reactions, with their tentacles connecting past and present, from their power source. I was FREE. I was grinning. And, it enabled me to experience and honor all that had been good in my life without reservation.

I can safely say that I have experienced an Ultimate Transformation. After daunting, 24/7 challenges, uprooting life as I knew it, I had given in to the mind and stopped releasing.
Now, for the first time in a long time, I am back on the path again to freedom.
With Diane’s keen insight into the Six Steps, plus her new suite of releasing tools, life is getting easier, and optimism is returning.
I have been focused and productive and, of course, much happier.
I will continue to explore my new goals and the new tools to help release them.
It’s nice to be back on the path again!
This course changed my life. I have had so many gains: a new car, feeling more loving, more alive, empowered, greater clarity, purpose and direction. With increasing depth I found the course to unfold with a steady single focus on letting go and the presence of awareness. Also, being with others of like mind and having releasing in the forefront for two months was very powerful and supportive. Diane was unwavering in her commitment to our freedom. Her clarity, presence and loving commitment to us provided a very safe container for some deep feelings to come up, which was incredibly authentic and freeing. From the start I was able to identify my goal with Diane’s help. It was more than identifying it though; it so hit home that I felt an embodiment of it. Creating intentional goals and using the myriad of tools offered generated a momentum that seemed to cut through layers of old programming and resistances. I discovered that what’s left, what’s felt and what’s revealed is beingness, love, truth shining in plain sight just waiting to be welcomed. The tools she provided really worked! I was able to open to new vistas inner and outer on this course. I’m grateful for the shift into the possibility of a new life of stunning potential in freedom. This course has made a difference, provided me with effective direction and moved me upward and onward. It was just what I needed. I highly recommend this course!
Diane, I am a new person!!! I feel happier and more in tuned!! I don’t have the words to describe it. While I was taking this course—three opportunities fell into my lap!!!! Two were fairly instant—I can’t thank you enough!!!!!
My biggest breakthrough came in the last three weeks as I really accelerated. My biggest gain was the dissolution of a big part of my resistance. I feel like I just crossed the Rubicon. Diane shows a simple path to reclaiming what is truly your being. What has always been there, just buried under the layers of “mess,” or the statue in the marble that just needs to be chiseled out.
(One week later…)
Diane, I wanted to tell you, I was just now releasing on a goal, and I took a break, and this incredible feeling of euphoria just flooded me. It’s the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had, and it’s lasted about ten good minutes. Amazing. Actually still feeling it. Beyond anything I’ve ever felt!!!
During this course, my clarity and energy was what I want to feel each day. Usually there are times during the day when I just feel tired, need to nap – not during this course. Alert, energized, clear, and focused. Wonderful!
One of the goals I worked on during this course was a health/body goal, and at the end of five days, I had lost 3 pounds effortlessly. I eat and move with joy, not making myself “do,” just doing, and experiencing each moment with childlike joy and wonder.
A life-changing retreat… again. Able to eliminate a major block to having what I want; what I truly want. I have been waking up early naturally and getting out of bed easily. The dread about what’s coming is practically gone. An easy Peace is present.
In the past I have experienced quieting the mind. This experience was wonderful. I felt happiness and joy. I found myself asking the question though, who is asking questions? I did not understand because I was still in ego. This time was very different. This time the mind was quiet and also the ego. So, this time I slipped into Isness or Beingness. It is who we are. I felt the mind trying to come in. This felt like duality, I am here and you are over there. I just kept sending it love.
Working with Diane is an experience that’s rather difficult to put into words. If she merely made me feel better while meeting, that would have been enough. If she merely made me feel better by the questions she asked, and the responses I gave, that would have been enough. But, she has a way, through her extraordinary insight and teachings to help you understand how to keep yourself feeling better, even when she isn’t there. How many of us continually Seek? With Diane, I actually Find!!! Thank you for showing me where My strength and My wisdom lie!!!

Your Release course has changed the trajectory of my life. The clarity achieved from the course enabled me to leave a 23 year successful engineering career. Beyond the financial implications on my family life, my perspectives as a mother, wife, daughter and friend has evolved. My capacity for accepting life has expanded, and I have gained a courage to adhere to my beliefs and live a more authentic life.

This process and the exercises brought me to a new level of approaching Goal setting. In the past, I typically felt a dread and pushed back when approaching Goal setting. I have enjoyed the process and feel a sense of ease and joy in continuing my journey toward having the goals I formulated this week. I look forward to a life of Havingness..with all the beauty that the future holds for me and those I touch.
I have been forever changed by studying with Diane. I know my most intimate desires and am willing to release all that which is not aligned with those desires. I am experiencing a Knowingness of love and support for my higher purpose that grows deeper and more sure everyday.
Released fears and wants of safety and security to the state of full self-acceptance and expansive Beingness. I’m more in touch with self, world, and love. I learned to create a goal statement in very positive terms. Also, I learned to go through feelings and release on each one to get my goal. Releasing on one goal through “clearing” seems to make me happier and lighter – and has a chain reaction. It makes my other goals feel easier, more attainable. Gain from last week – I found myself able to be separate, caring, and individuated with my partner while we were driving under stressful conditions. Usually his stress frustrates, upsets and derails me. I get reactive. After releasing, I found myself very reassuring, and compassionate toward him and his feelings. He thanked me for being so patient during the ride and said it was helpful. Overall, I feel lighter, happier, and confident with a Christmas goal challenge.
- A strong sense that everything is unfolding as it’s supposed to.
- Feeling very supported by the universe.
- In Beingness. Was a witness to the love that is everywhere and in everyone.
- Learned some really great gems to facilitate releasing and a process to let go faster.
- Recognized a program running that was operating all my life and released it.
- More harmonious work environment.
- Less disapproval of the body and more appreciation for it as the vehicle to experience life.
- Less identification with the mind and body.
- Solution to a living situation.
- Deep appreciation for the instruction and suggestions made in the course that facilitated my freedom.
- More accepting of what is, and a strong sense that anything is possible.
I went from deep grief to great peace. I gained tools for releasing old and new issues. I have increased self-confidence, and there’s a reduction of fear driving my choices. There’s openness to self-acceptance and to a new relationship with a man.
Hi Diane,
Thank you so much for another amazing retreat. So many gains!!!
- I have more energy, more clarity, more confidence, am more empowered and making better, stronger decisions.
- I have 5 amazing goals that I love.
- My whole perspective on my birth and hospital experience has completely shifted, and I am more empowered and able to see clearly.
- My body is stronger and fitter and more healthy.
- I am using my time more wisely and am more conscious of how I am spending my time.
- I have more compassion and kindness for myself and others.
- I feel stronger in my ability to speak up for myself.
So grateful for all of your amazing guidance and generosity.
Wow, what a retreat! Though I have taken it before, it feels like the first time. I have let go of a program that will be life-changing and believe the best years of my life are ahead of me. My breathing has cleared up, and I can breathe through my nose. I think my hearing is better, too. This is a life-changing course, and I recommend it to all who are committed to realizing their goals.
Diane is an outstanding teacher, and her course is amazing. She creates a truly magical, beautiful and deep experience for all the participants. We traveled all the way from Europe to Chicago with a baby twice to attend her wonderful goals retreat and are so grateful we did. I have healed my chronic pain, stepped into my feminine, and I am so much more loving towards myself and others after attending Diane’s retreat. I also entered a very deep space of peace, light and love that I had not experienced before.
- Inspiration for next children’s book + clarity about a pivotal plot point that I hadn’t worked out
- Several times over the course of the class, people asked my question so I didn’t have to
- 100% knowing that I can release + have my goals – a whole new level of confidence!
Diane is the most gifted, talented teacher and healer I have ever worked with. My life has become sweeter, happier and more positive since working with Diane. Through my lessons in releasing I have found my dreams turning into reality. Studying under this master teacher has given me the methods and skills to live my life with love, courage, acceptance and peace. I am ever grateful.
I feel like I took a quantum leap within a powerful container using powerful tools for transformation. And with only one direction to go, freedom bound. As I integrate and practice what I experienced and learned, I feel set on a path to a true new beginning of having my best life and my best Self.
(name withheld upon request)
Being on an online retreat with Diane takes me to the same place as being in an ashram with an Enlightened Master. Be prepared to fly high and go deep.
Who is this guy “Michael” who is “meditating” and loving it? He is the same Michael who thought chakras were not helpful and that meditation was an excuse to move away from my feelings.
Until Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, it had been a very, very long time since I had felt “deep peace.”
I loved it and wanted more.
My resistance to and rejection of Presence, of Freedom is on the way out. Like you say, they’re just feelings, and so what if they feel true, I’ve decided to let them go. Besides, any self-respecting, lion-headed man can be with any feeling!
I am very grateful for our retreat this week, and your clarity and wisdom that has led the way.
Thank you with all my heart.
I’ve been on a journey for nearly 4 decades of learning, testing, implementing and applying tools and techniques to assist my growth at the highest levels (whilst on this planet and during this lifetime).
I was compelled to take all of this year’s courses that you’ve offered so far, which has massively catapulted my spiritual growth & expanded my maturation process.
Working together is wonderfully inspirational however, more importantly, it is Truly Transformational.
All aspects & levels of my growth have deepened & magnified…
Clarity – whether in the discrimination or decision-making process, acceptance and the ease of grace, allows for a relaxation & peacefulness to be naturally experienced more often than I thought I would ever come to realize.
My experience in your classes has allowed me to recognize the Clarity of Freedom is always available & present upon my willingness to recognize & turn towards it in any given moment and under any circumstance. It has given me the practice needed to build my skills and it just keeps getting easier. Everything really does get better.
Having full-heartedly attended & participated in your beautiful, thoughtful, proven-to-work & clarifying courses, I so appreciate the earnestness of the individuals who are also participating and how we all assist one another.
Your teaching is clear, direct, gentle, yet firmly established in deep wisdom that has obviously been gained by marinating in direct experience over time. I feel safe in a process which is time-tested, safe & true.
I deeply align with the integrity and clarity that is offered through your warm, graceful teachings and am ready to leap into the next round of classes being offered.
Before the course, having all my dreams and goals felt impossible. Now I know I can have them, however ambitious they may be. That’s a big shift. Beyond even that, my consciousness expanded beyond limitation to include the aliveness of this moment where all potential is possible. That’s a lot.
PS: Diane is a true Goddess of Freedom ❤️