Diane Stilwell – Massive breakthroughs are happening here


I am an expert on goal mastery; and have had the pleasure of helping some of the most creative people in the world fulfill their most elusive, seemingly impossible dreams, including ultimate spiritual realization.

Using powerful, rock-solid, step-by-step tools for transformation to massively unblock any stuckness, my speciality is to assist you in opening the door to your own personal vision and to your deeper life’s purpose… and finally… if you choose, ultimate liberation.

I invite you… now… to finally HAVE what you’ve longed for all your life…


Ok… you are highly intelligent, and pick things up quickly…

You are a professional, a creative, a thought leader… your ideas are full of passion and energy, and are highly appreciated by others.

You love beauty and cultivate it wherever you go.  Some might call you a connoisseur…

You excel at everything you do and have created an amazing life for yourself and others.  However, as great as your life is… 

there’s still one or more areas in which you’re stuck that consistently distract you by day… 

and no matter what methods you’ve tried in order to relax… 

this issue or these issues also keeps you up at night…

spinning in thoughts…


Ok… you are highly intelligent, and pick things up quickly…

You are a professional, a creative, a thought leader… your ideas are full of passion and energy, and are highly appreciated by others.

You love beauty and cultivate it wherever you go.  Some might call you a connoisseur…

You excel at everything you do and have created an amazing life for yourself and others.  However, as great as your life is… 

there’s still one or more areas in which you’re stuck that consistently distract you by day… 

and no matter what methods you’ve tried in order to relax… 

this issue or these issues also keeps you up at night… spinning in thoughts…

You can have absolutely anything you could possibly ever desire, and there’s a special way to get there…



CAREER — Joyfully express your true purpose on this earth through your life’s work every single day.


The place where I ended up getting hired literally opened a new position for me because THEY said “they have to have me on the team.”  And let’s not forget to mention that this job came with the exact compensation I was looking for. 


On the second day of the course, I got an offer for a job that will allow me to work towards all my other goals.  I am able to feel safe and allow myself to be vulnerable in sharing, opening up.  I have been able to clearly know what the ideal client will be.  A potential client reached out to work with me, yesterday, asking what my availability is.  Feeling myself more in courageousness with all of my life transformations with my career.


I have a sense that the sky’s the limit and anything is possible.


Your teachings have given me the clarity and the courage to live a meaningful life. I transitioned from a 20+ year successful engineering career to an unknown, yet thrilling, personal and professional journey, only by having the courage of my convictions. Your course was instrumental to my awareness.

RELATIONSHIPS — Finding a partner can be one of the most meaningful endeavors of your life.  Stepping out of the way can allow them to come to you, easily and naturally.  You might begin to find a deeper exchange with everyone; as you experience their true essence.
How’s your relationship with yourself?  Have the joy that’s always giving; always feeding you, ever present.


For eight years after my divorce, I was immobilized with grief and fear. I believed I was unloveable, that I would spend the rest of my life wounded and alone. I learned releasing from Diane and began individual coaching. I quickly and completely transformed into a confident woman who welcomed love and partnership into my life. I actually began to meet quality men. It was magnetic. The more I worked with Diane, the more effortlessly I began to find dynamic connections. My old programs and fears were in the past and I was living my life in each moment – in a world of acceptance and love. I met a man who loved and appreciated me. I felt alive and present and I knew there was a reciprocity of respect and caring which was new in my life. Though ultimately he and I decided to part ways, it was still an affirming experience. I was fearless and free. With my continuing work with Diane, my momentum accelerated and my conscious intention to find an adoring, devoted and tuned-in life partner has been joyfully realized in my brilliant, caring, cherished husband. My heartbreak and loneliness seem so long ago. I am happy, free and filled with love and gratitude. I live in grace and appreciation. Diane is the finest teacher and coach imaginable.


I’ve healed a broken heart and gained the woman of my dreams, but even with all that, the sense of power and love I feel as a result of this course is beyond words. Thank you!

HEALTH — The secret to good physical and mental health begins in a stress-free body.  Watch, as years of tensions and “holding on to your old stuff” dissolves into nothing as a supremely profound power introduces you to your fresh new body.


I have a feeling of health and well-being.  Releasing has taken me from a size 22 to a size 14 in the last two years and I have an ever-increasing feeling of health.  I bought new jeans this weekend at size 14.  I feel that I am better equipped to let go of stress at work, and be more fully present.


I often use Releasing when I’m having difficulty sleeping, and it works really well.  Usually when I can’t sleep it’s because my mind is going around in circles trying to find the solution to a problem.  So, then I ask myself, “Could I let go of wanting to know what to do?” and I feel so much relief.  It is amazing that it is so simple.  I just keep on Releasing on any stressful thoughts that come up and then I find myself drifting off to sleep.  Thank you so much for teaching me this wonderful technique.


I gained a depth of clarity around issues in my legs and feet that I can feel are beginning to resolve at a physical level.


Finally, I feel my eating is returning to what is “normal” to eat. It does not drive me like it used to. I can stop it from driving me—(This was my big watermark to see how successful this would be.)


No doubts about this system or Diane.

FINANCES — We humans have created a system where we have deemed value on small pieces of paper and some molded metal.

You, in fact, are the only supreme judge who can decide whether or not you are worthy of having those small pieces of paper and small molded coins.


This course changed my life forever!  I can’t thank you enough!  In the time I’ve done this I went from broke and uninspired to wealth and purpose, and I feel so much more in control of my life!  After years of hoping for a sizeable income increase, I received it within a week of attending Diane’s class.  And yes, I attribute the significant pay increase to this class, 100%.


One day after coming back from Chicago, a long-time friend gifted me his whole business.  No conditions, no strings attached, no additional expenses.  “Just have it and continue running it, I’m ready to retire.”  WHAT???????”  Too good to be true?  Not according to Lester…  Thank you, Diane!


I am noticing that I am finding a passion for my work that has been so dormant for quite some time. I even discovered in the past week that I had money in a retirement account from a previous employer that I had no idea I had. It’s a modest but substantial amount that will ease my financial pressures up in a wonderful way.

SPIRITUALITY — Open to stillness and peace in each living moment as your past and future projections effortlessly drop away.


I am happy to report that as a result of our recent work together, my releasing has taken a major shift.  It first came in the dream state wherein I was “looking” for answers to something with much intensity.  All of a sudden I experienced a definite shift or “change in perspective” in which I was suddenly in a state of obvious knowing of the answer as if I had the answer the entire time.

It is difficult to put in to words, but it was a very subtle change in perspective that turned out to be the easiest and most obvious thing in the world!  A moment of true clarity!  I have now gone from releasing from the perspective of the ego to releasing from the perspective of master.  I no longer see the mind as an obstacle, but as life itself.  I now revere the mind and the body with compassion.  Truly a freeing perspective!


I was very aware that I was everything. There is no word that could ever describe who we are. It is even beyond love. I could see that even love was a feeling. Nothing else matters. There is no thing. It’s like helping the rest of ourselves home. There is no you or I. Only Isness, Beingness. Again, there are no words or feelings that could ever describe who we are. The only way is to show us the way. Like Buddha said “I am only the finger pointing to the moon.” Thank you, Diane. Thank you for being the finger pointing to the moon. I got it.

(name withheld under request)

My experience was truly enlightening. I feel freed from living either in the past, or worrying about the future, and instead am enjoying the experience of living in the present.


I am deeply grateful for the chance to work with Diane. She has a way of getting directly to the truth and cutting through anything in the way of that, quickly and efficiently. She sees everyone in their highest self and by doing so lifts you in the process. In my experience working with Diane, many times I would come into our calls with a lot going on, in some cases with stress or anxiousness. Very quickly we would shift together to a place of calm, centeredness, and peace. She is very gentle and powerful in her approach. After each of our calls I always was left with a sense of deep peace. She helped me get in touch with the part of myself that is fearless and is open to limitless possibility, crushing any fear I may have had prior to getting on the phone with her. My work with Diane has been nothing less than life changing and transformational for every area of my life. Thank you for everything, Diane!


You have taken my spiritual development to the next level.  Your patience, kindness and love is very moving.  I look forward to our one-on-one session each week.  You are the best teacher!


This feels like freedom and grace and peace and boundless possibility.


Diane is a gift. To mentor with Diane is to be immersed in the Havingness of the Universe, in the Opulence of Beingness.

For the time being, all courses will be conducted online through the Zoom video conferencing app.

Through a series of original, incremental processes, with this course you will have continual Direct Experience of your true nature… enabling you to tap into your unlimited ability to accomplish absolutely anything you could possibly ever dream of…

I have been developing and refining
my “repertoire” for realizing goals for
the past 40 years and they are
“razor-sharp” in their power, as well as
being quick and easy to incorporate.

I have been developing and refining my “repertoire” for realizing goals for the past 40 years and they are “razor-sharp” in their power, as well as being quick and easy to incorporate.

And if you’re ready for more…

For Ultimate Transformation and Have It graduates only, I will be offering a 5-day live online retreat to deeply connect with one another in Freedom with bliss beyond words.

December 26th – 30th, 2024
10 AM to 4 PM (Central)


I was stuck in my career and heart-broken. Diane helped me step into my power, make my business profitable and find the partner of my dreams!

Matt  Long Island, NY

I feel like I can. I can be who I am, and I can be the strength that I am. And that’s very important to me, not just to be happy but in the work that I do.

Irene  Glendale, AZ

I let go of a childhood trauma, and that energy manifested as an identical situation, now, years later, where I was given a second chance and made a better decision.

Ofir  Williston Park, NY

I manifested my first goal within 12 hours: I was mindblown. I’ve learned tools that I will take with me every single day for the rest of my life to help me manifest my other goals. And I can already see them happening as the world changes around me.

Meghan  Los Angeles, CA

What I’ve uncovered is more power, more clarity, to pursue and realize everything that I want, including freedom.

Michael  Long Beach, NY

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will come. Well, I think Diane Stilwell came along at just the right time.

Deirdre  Redondo, CA

I’ve been Releasing for a while, but in this course, Diane Stilwell has really distilled the power of the Releasing process. If you want to go really deep and really far, you’ve got to come to this retreat.

Kathleen  Tucson, AZ


I was stuck in my career and heart-broken. Diane helped me step into my power, make my business profitable and find the partner of my dreams!

Matt  Long Island, NY

I feel like I can. I can be who I am, and I can be the strength that I am. And that’s very important to me, not just to be happy but in the work that I do.

Irene  Glendale, AZ

I let go of a childhood trauma, and that energy manifested as an identical situation, now, years later, where I was given a second chance and made a better decision.

Ofir  Williston Park, NY

I manifested my first goal within 12 hours: I was mindblown. I’ve learned tools that I will take with me every single day for the rest of my life to help me manifest my other goals. And I can already see them happening as the world changes around me.

Meghan  Los Angeles, CA

What I’ve uncovered is more power, more clarity, to pursue and realize everything that I want, including freedom.

Michael  Long Island, NY

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will come. Well, I think Diane Stilwell came along at just the right time.

Deirdre  Redondo, CA

I’ve been Releasing for a while, but in this course, Diane Stilwell has really distilled the power of the Releasing process. If you want to go really deep and really far, you’ve got to come to this retreat.

Kathleen  Tucson, AZ

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The Realized Release Retreat

Please provide your name and email below. You will be sent the official registration link six weeks before the retreat begins.